Includes a summary of all their powers so you can take advantage of what Mermaids have to offer as an occult. Mapped to the cheek/brown bone area so Sims 4 siren ears big spiny pierced fish ears for. If you want to give them a try, visit The Sims Resource or follow our I am pretty excited to do this post, since with Sims 4. This next tattoo is an option for a sim who absolutely loves sunflowers, like really really loves sunflowers. How to Become a Mermaid Mermadic Kelp in The Sims 4 is how you can turn your Sim into a Mermaid.

The Custom Content used for this sim is shown on the image from Sims 4 Tray Importer on the bottom of this page. With this Mod you’re able to turn your Sims into Fairies! To do so, go to Create A Sim and select the “Fairy” Trait under the lifestyle section. Occult Mods for Sims 4 that aren't officially in the game. Succubus gives your Sims 4 different characteristics and abilities of Incubus, Cambions, and Succubus. These huge, spiny ears create a fish look for your mermaid from the deepest depths of the ocean.

The mermaid sings a haunting melody to lure an unsuspecting Sim out into the water. A few well-chosen game mods can bring all sorts of extra realism-or fantasy, if you prefer-to your homes Sims players have been creating fan-made challenges for the games pretty much since the series began in 2001.